» Final Shoot picture!

Hurray! Yesterday I received my finale picture from the shoot at NWMA. I have to be honest and say that I am so proud of myself. It was a really stressful and nervewrecking day for me, because I was so scared of screwing it all up and getting an awful picture. Everything went really well though and I had an amazing day at the final shoot, and now that I have got my picture I am much more calm.
It is funny to think that I expected a dark haired girl with thick brows for my look and instead I got a pale and blonde girl and I covered up her already quite light brows - and it ended up looking much better than I expected with a dark haired girl! Frida, the model from Scoop Models, had very small eyes, so by covering up her brows and blending the shadow out in a v-shape made her eyes much bigger and the look far more edgy than I had imagined, which I love!
I just wanted to show you all the picture, I miss the academy so much and I hope I get to work with more photoshoots soon.